This note is about the simple fact
that one real and alive reader
of this note is worth more than a
thousand argumentative and unmagical brains who
are only concerned about who gets to influence people, who
are just carried away about social confrontation.
This note is about the silly, dull
readers who never have anything intelligent or aware to say
about all this to anyone. Lacking both knowledge and energy,
they are daydreaming in endless deadness toward their inevitable
old age and death.
This note is about
the spiritual truth that helps you the most no matter how seemingly
unknown, unpopular, infamous or discredited the source of it
may be.
You must follow what is most real and alive even
if it costs you most of your friends and relations. Do
you understand this?
This note is about
what you find most important about your quest for Divine immortality. What
is it? Are you fully serious about all this or just pretending?
Would you like to read a note that
helps you have heavier, more satisfying sex with your sex-partners
in your amorous resonance group? OK. See who is
being fully real and alive with
you about the spiritual quest and who avoids serious discussion
and only wants the sex. There can be no real expansion
even of sex-pleasure without people sharing the real and alive on
all levels of being and life. This is an existential
law. Anyone who is intellectually boring and spiritually
dead cannot increase pleasure in life. Such a dull and
silly person will always remain a rather draining and disappointing
member of any amorous resonance group.
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