If you are a new reader of all this, your best bet is to give your brain a preparatory outing in the previous sessions so that it can really sink its teeth into the bones we are tossing various brains in this session.


Here is the first bone of this session for your brain to chew any way it likes.


Do not let your brain bite you in the arse when it finds out that this bone was not a bone but a message.


You know how your brain likes to stick to its interpretations of this bonelike note.


You may not be a stubborn bonehead, but your brain surely is.


Contrary to your brain’s opinion, your mother and father were not geniuses.


Accelerated learning is possible for you right here in this note if you can learn to throw your brain a bone now and then, such as a term in the language of space, like Auwee.


Do not allow your brain to grasp this particular statement or it will overheat like a dog biting into an electric eel.


Now your brain has gone and done it with this note before you could be warned.


Look, just get your brain rounded-up and stop treating it like your alter-ego if you want to come to grips with this note.


Do you still stupidly imagine that your brain is some sort of scientifically aware alter-ego?


Some clever, mystically aspiring brains try to claim that “Heart Math” is a serious subject.  Any conscious soul in the heart can see that it’s just a scam to keep the brain drooling over its potential.


When the American Indian tried to tell the automated White Man that the human soul is in the Heart and not in the brain, the White Man got out his bible and his forked tongue and declared the American Indian to be an uneducated savage.


What happens in the twenty-first century when you try to toss your brain a bible?


Let’s toss your brain a bone with some real meat on it.  What’s your opinion of porn on the internet?


Does your spouse or partner know you are here reading all this stuff to your brain?


Are you aware that your brain has been seen running off and doing its thing without you?


If your brain breaks in here and eats this entire note, what will be left for its master?


Some brains have been barking at this website as if it were the moon.




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