Year Two

Each mind that enters into notes has its own explanation to itself of why it has to do this right now.   This note is about how your usual explanation of being here is just not good enough.   Come up with a better explanation of your presence before you read the next note.


What are you really?   Take a little look into your being where you have never looked before.  Go ahead and surprise yourself a little about yourself.  It won’t hurt and it isn’t necessarily that difficult for you.


This note is going to be around a long time.  It will be here after you are dead and gone.  Maybe you will read it again in your next life.   Think about this a little before the next note.


Are you reading this note for the first time?


Infinite intelligent beings beyond the Earth have asked me to mention them to our readers on Earth just in case one or another of our Earthbound readers would like to become intelligent.   The next note will not however press you on this matter.


Do you believe you understand this question?   What kind of question was it, actually?  How deeply and effectively can you investigate it or anything else for that matter?


Have you ever really wondered what this note would have been like for you if you had not confronted the last note?





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