If I say something outrageous,
then only an outrageous listener
will actually hear and understand. Between us there will
be a natural communion, an empathy, a resonance, a rapport
of our being. But if the outrageous statement
is read or heard by a non-outrageous person
who is afraid to be different, who is dull and normal, who
is fitting-in to a community or society, then that person is
going to be disturbed automatically, there will be an upset
reaction or a hardening of self-defensiveness or a running
away, a frightened avoidance. So, this note
is asking you; are you a
real individual yet? Have you stopped conforming to flat,
boring dullness and angry, arrogant criticizing? Have
you become outrageous?
Think deeply and reflect on this issue or I cannot help
you contact the Alien, the Outrageous
Garuda, the Mothman,
the Highly developed Time-Spanners of
the Universe.
I am not just talking to Earthlings,
dear reader; I am talking to you.
It does not matter what planet you live on or what phylum
body of self-consciousness you are working with or what kind
of sensory organs or action organs you possess. If you
are not outrageous in
your present society, your present world, you are not yet a real
individual. You cannot hide from this deep
truth that transcends any slight collective superiority of
your race over the dull and sick human race of planet Earth!
I have not created Notes just
for them and you know
it! So wake up and become an outrageous time-spanner
like the Garudas. Stop being
afraid to be different and therefore
a Free
Spirit. Do not go to another Note
Session without some activated outrageousness.
Do not make me have to tell you this again!
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