According to the Vishnu Purana, the Kalki
Avatar will come forth from Shambhala and help a tiny minority
of humanity to overcome their prejudices and learning disabilities
to develop crystal clear minds. Certain Hindu Seers
obviously knew that some of our note-readers would learn
to stop blanking out. Of course, it is quite enough
that you simply stop blanking out and not worry yourself
about justifying the Kalki Avatar or the Hindu Puranas. Most
modern Hindu families are throwing their Puranas away these
days anyway. They couldn’t care
less about the Kalki Avatar. Many of them are turning
to Marxism, or contemporary smart-ass technological atheism
and post-modern rationalism. They are trying to be skeptical
and me-first greedy selfish like the Americans and Brits. Belief
in the Kalki Avatar is dying out. Even most New Agers
in the West haven’t
read the Vishnu Purana on that prophecy.
If you want a crystal clear Kalki sort of mind,
you have to stop blanking out at least during notes.
Will you consider some profound stopping of your blank
things before the next note?
How are you doing with crystal clarity? Do
you remember Zen-Sufi philosophy? Will you stop blanking
out and start learning when you do
the next note?
The human race of Earth is not going to
make it. The majority of humanity will be killed off
by those behind the American, British and other governments
who call themselves the New World Order. Then it is
prophesized that an unstoppable Extraterrestrial military
force called in by the King of Shambhala will destroy the
New World Order leaders, followed by organizing a righteous
world government on Earth that respects human rights and
coddles ignorant New Agers who won’t have much of a
real clue about anything, but will be reasonably nice people
who are pathetic in real human evolution but able to keep
alive a little potential for the far future. The Kalki
will have to patiently herd such human sheep for a little
while, after which he gets to leave and work with more intelligent
students on other planets, followed by being allowed to retire
even from the semi-intelligent extraterrestrials and get
on with the really joyous and magical life of a God. Of
course, this hyper-Puranic prophecy is not official. It
is just for one or two note-readers who sympathize with me
about having to write notes for the skeptical New Agers who
feel they do not get enough social attention or spiritual
authority. If you understand all this, read the next note.
Stop blanking out; Kalki needs you.
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