Year Two

Since you have come this far in Notes, you have no excuse for misinterpreting what this means.


What are you most deeply willing to do about yourself in the light of this note?


Zen Awakening, Sufi Principles of Higher Connectivity and Kriya Yoga of mantric breathing up-and-down the spine are three indispensable factors of evolutionary self-responsibility. They are like the Three Heads of Hermes.  Do you understand this concept of a three-headed Guru-God or Dattatreya? Datta means “gift” as in “The Eagles Gift”.  Perhaps that will clear it up for you.  It has to do with the Secret Ultraterrestrial Network, S.U.N.  It is an organizing principle of unprejudiced self-benefiting from important traditional sources.  Let’s work this out.   This note coordinates human development.  Will you allow your potential to be coordinated?


This note is about the entire multi-dimensional scene of your inner awareness and truth.  It is about the awakening of your own free and happy Godself beyond all false authorities, whether they are religious or secular, traditional or modern.  It includes the meditation of surrounding beauty of Nature when you are yourself simple, natural, alive and aware.  It is even about just fearlessly and frankly “letting it all hang-out” in the face of the tense and unhappy people in your life who cannot hear anything meaningful or truly enriching, who keep themselves ignorant, stupid and insensitive.


This note is about the ridiculous farce any culture, nation or society on Earth actually is.  It is about being a cosmic traveler who hears the “music of the spheres” and twirls with them like Rumi and his dervishes both within and beyond Turkey, both within and beyond the limitations of Islam.






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