A meaningful reader will see the deep and exquisite meanings of notes, but the meaningless readers will not see any meaning in all this and will soon go off to their usual distractions and considerings. Deeper perspectives resonate with deeper perspectives; pathetic shit resonates with pathetic shit. Birds of a feather flock together.
This note wants you to look more deeply into your usual misunderstanding and avoidance of this kind of recommendation.
The way notes beneficially disturb you is by exposing your massive secret contradictions you experience between your aspiration to learn and your self-deceptive protection of your unconscious compulsions, distractions and useless activities.
You do not need to allow any interruption of your deeper exploration of this note.
Will you allow yourself now to be told that you are still far too foolish, shallow and distracted for your own good? When are you going to get serious and real about all this?
You have two choices only about this note:
A – You can begin some genuine original thinking about
choice and free will.
B – You can stare stupidly into space like a robot without
a program for doing notes.
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