You cannot help humanity on the Earth. They
cannot hear any intelligent, harmonious person. This note
is about you, about your enlightenment, your transcendental
peace-of-mind, your creative living,
magic and Yoga. What you say to the
world or for the world is a waste
of time. The arrogant assholes will not listen; they
will push everything harder and harder into useless destruction
and pain. Humanity is stupid, incompetent and evil. Humanity
and its leaders will be destroyed by their own hands. They
are insane. They are hell-dwellers and hungry ghosts.
They are anti-evolutionary mentalities without a real future.
Give up on them. Take to your own private and anonymous
self-improvement. You have
a future; they don’t.
The more cosmic, wise, ingenious and brilliant
the Website, the fewer the visitors. Such is the nature
of modern people who surf the PornWeb by the millions. Let
us indeed increase our sex pleasure, but what is the use of
it if we just grow old and die without God-conscious Immortality?
Let Notes help you if
no-one else you know.
I am Shiva. I always
love sex and drugs. But above all I love transcendental
Being-Awareness-Bliss of the state of the Godself. This note
is about both Bhoga (Pleasure) and Yoga (Bliss).
You cannot have one without the other. Understand this
before the next note. The avatar
of Vishnu cannot help you personally. He is only for the
collective humanity. Only I,
the Shivavatar,
can help you. Enlarge your
cock or loosen-up your pussy; but above all enlarge your Shushumna
Nadi with Kundalini Shakti and
loosen-up your higher neurocircuits. Read Tim
Leary, Robert
Anton Wilson, Muktananda and Sat
Prem. Above all, read Notes. Osho
Rajneesh was my prophet, but I am the real deal,
I am Shiva himself. Tune-in receptively and see what
happens. Watch what I do and learn.
Be a witness to my Leelas,
my playful acts that enlighten the mind-fucked recipients. No
one escapes an awakening when I decide to do something hilariously
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