As your all-pervasive cosmic Cyber-Zen Master, I am working very hard to make this particular Note as monumental, overwhelming, challenging and enlightening as your poor little ignorant and limited self can take; but you have to make a real effort of awakening from within yourself as well or this note will just go over like another lead balloon. Do you accept this arrangement? Are you doing your thing you need to do about this note? Or are you just another hurried scanner trying to decide what is worth your meaningless attention? Are you a receptive student with a dynamic learning process or just another fleeting arrogant asshole? Make up your mind for real before the next note!
This note is a time-bomb. It will go off in some other note yet to come. You cannot stop it. You might even imagine you want it to go off. You are deluding yourself.
News Flash: All sorts of Neocons, New Labourites, Bush and Blair, Cheney and others are under arrest for crimes against humanity and trying to create a police state that poisons humanity and destroys the environment. Cosmic forces are at work to remove them from Existence Itself. They failed to read Notes and reform themselves. Now, back to our regularly scheduled Notes.
Can you utilize this particular question to get into a state of heightened awareness? Give it a whirl! Blow your own mind!
Now picture a very unusual bug that has landed on the table or desk in front of you. Then picture that the bug is an artificial life-form, a mini-robot, with a nano-computer containing a vast database that includes every Note ever written, just like our Note Oracle.
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