This note is about all the things you are suppressing in yourself out of false conscience, out of socially conditioned false morality. Why are you so suppressed, stiff, dead and false? You keep yourself like that out of fear of others, fear of society, and even fear of the government. But while you are trying to please others, to please society or the government, while you are suppressing to be acceptable, all the things you are suppressing in your subconscious are building up towards explosions, they are writhing and boiling deep down in your inner darkness, and it is from within this dark abyss within you that the Forgotten Ones, the Monsters of the Id, still have strange and powerful influences of your behavior, causing you to do inexplicable things that you do not understand. These hidden entities, forces, currents, pressures and influences in you subconscious are quite dangerous because they can cause sudden accidents or explosions in your life; they can become episodes of insanity, of having a “nervous breakdown”, and ultimately that is what your relatives and society want, for they can then use you to justify their false values, their lies and cover-ups, their stiff conformities and hypocrisies. They can point their fingers at you and say, “See! See what happens when somebody is not suppressed, not phony and dead!” Think about this before you read the next note.
This note wants you to become unsuppressed without having to become a victim of society or your relatives. This means that you must develop a meditative awareness that can bring light into the darkest depths of your being without condemning anything you find there but not just stupidly succumbing to anything either. You must seek a creative release of all the magical energy or power that is stored-up in your inner abyss. You must harness the Forgotten Ones as your allies.
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