Year Two

Here we go again.   This note is this thought.  A thought-note dwells in a space of mind.  A space of mind dwells in a consciousness.  A consciousness dwells in a being.  A being dwells in the Unknown.  No one knows where the Unknown dwells, for otherwise it would not be the Unknown.


The reader reads what is here to be read in the very immediate future.  Go on to the next note without getting confused about the time you take to get there.


Finally you arrive at this note.  But this note is virtually empty. It is like one of those websites where you arrive and say to yourself, “There is really nothing here.”


Feel free to interpret this note however you like, but remember that it is your freedom that you are really interpreting and not this hidden, dark and mysterious Note.


Now, can you withstand a sudden change of mood in all this?  If you can, then allow this Note to happen to you in a different way than any other Note that has ever happened to you.  However, if something supernatural begins to happen, just ignore it.  Do not allow yourself to be distracted from your real inner task here.


This note contains what secretly happens after the last note.


This note is here to help you stop your mind from trying to do too much about all this.


This note will allow you to become disgusted about your inability to see why it was written at the end of this particular Note Session.








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