Year Two

Your usual reading-and-awakening effort in Notes has never been more useless, but it is probably too late for you to drop out. Who knows?  Perhaps you will surprise yourself in the next note.


No one really expected a big performance from you with this note anyway.


This note might be an extraordinary opportunity for someone other than you.


This note is only about other readers you are never going to meet, so it looks like you will have to remain utterly stuck with your limited personal perspective on all this.


You will eventually read something other than Notes which will excite you more, but give you less benefit.


This note is not empty or meaningless, so what is your big hurry to read the next note?


Now that you have done your little trip with this particular note, the next note is somewhat redundant.


Yet again you have done your thing already with this note.


Here you are, reading this note the only way you can, however sad and futile it may be.


You may want to know why this note is not working out for you.


You may want to question your actual reason for thinking about Notes the way you do.   Take your time; it might be important for you.







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