Year Two

News flash: It is official that the Anglo-American invasion and occupation of Iraq is based on lies and continuing for the dual purpose of (1) capturing Oil and (2) killing, torturing and intimidating Muslims in general in pursuit of the New World Order agenda.  Cosmic authorities are now pondering punitive corrective action in the near future.  Now, back to Notes.


You are now entitled to a boost of your intelligence.  All you have to do is forget the previous note and memorize the Next Note.


This note is an aspect of Simple Weather.


Would you like to blow your mind far more than anything so far? If so, picture that you are another planet where all the people are just like you.


Now you are in position to really wonder what it would be like to be a star!  Isn’t that exciting?  First get really excited about it, then go on to the rather boring next note.


Try to understand why Martin Heidegger did a deep existential investigation of boredom, then go on to the next note.


You will soon discover what it is about this note that captures your attention in such a fascinating new suggestion.


What is it about this question that you can find slightly enjoyable?


We are sorry to have to officially announce the absolute end of this note session due to an excess of heedless morons visiting this website because of the News Flash at the absolute beginning.






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