Any marvelous, magical and miraculous journey is more of an attitude than an effort. Therefore, if your present journey through life is rather frustratingly ordinary, boring, flat or mediocre, do not ask for a spiritual technique, but rather be willing to shift your attitude, your perspective or position of consciousness. Your understanding or misunderstanding of this will remain crucial to your prospects. It is not merely a matter of trying to personally meet a Nagual in Mexico or a Siddha in Bhutan or India. So, before you read the next Note, seriously connect with the equation of your attitude and the quality of your events. O.K.?
Another point: Any being anywhere who is in a Superconscious state superior to your state cannot ever be correctly evaluated as “condescending”, “a mere ego” or “lacking modesty”. In fact, it is inferiors who project their own condescending egoism and proud failure to learn into their natural superiors in order to avoid the learning process. Superior beings do not refer to their Superiors as “condescending” or “mere egos”, etc.
Yet another point: No Superior Being is ever there to be required to give personal attention to you or others! The vast majority of Note-readers, for instance, get more of what they really need from the Notes themselves than they will get by somehow getting personal attention from the Notes Author.
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