Perhaps we cannot be reminded too often that this Note is a different and unique experience or interpretation for each and every individual reader-listener-thinker-seer. Therefore this is for you and you alone. Not even the Notes Author, exercising the innate empathy of Brahman, can absolutely know what is going on with you here and now in this. Only you can absolutely know this Note! So, we must ask: What is it with you here?
“Am This Here Now”. This is your boundless and endless privileged existential position of your own awareness-of-being which enables you to think or say “I Am” without doubt or hesitation. Hence, this fleeting Note is now also a tiny little part of you.
At what point exactly during your reading and considering of this Note do you decide how valuable it is to you and worth serious attention, perplexity or possible action? If, of course, you “decide” at all!
Is the “self” of the physical brain a real self or subject at all? How can such an object actually be a subject, a self? If not, then where is yourself to be found and as what? Is yourself an extremely subtle, spiritual object? If a spiritual object can be a self, why not a human brain? Is there ultimately transcendental body or spirit beyond that is not a subtle body, object or accumulating memory or identity as a self-organizing center, monad or anu-purusha, but pure, formless, noumenal and absolute Self? This was Buddha’s question, his Hua Tou (Wato in Japanese Zen). What is the real answer? Is the swabhava, self-nature, that asks the same self-nature that becomes the Knower of the Answer? What level of Being can ask the Ultimate Question and discover the Ultimate Answer? Is it possible?
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