Notes which are infinite can have no real purpose in the finite reading of a finite reader, for their very infinity fulfils only the possibilities of the Infinite Reader.
The reader here of this Note who only seeks his or her own occult purpose knows not the true essence and function of Notes, which are humanly purposeless because they are Eternal, Eternal because of the Unborn Author, Immortal because of the Undead Author, and forever Inconceivable because of the Unknowable Author.
The Universal Joke of Notes is now announced for all fleeting readers! It is the indecipherable name of a vision analogous to the direct realization of a Voidwalk through extreme irrationality and the assimilation of a Trance of Human Sorrow which terminated in Cosmic Rapture.
This Note heralds Samadhis of the Spirit that may still yet be. It is therefore the realization by Notes of the Self's non-relation to the empty shells of its fancy in your mind. Your potential Godself bears as much, or as little, relation to the limited concepts of your empirical consciousness as food is related to a child. Notes are a means of growth to your consciousness through its increasing stillness in Silent Knowledge. Beware therefore of the self-destruction of Consciousness that comes through any blind and mechanical activity.
What fool would create a puppet of clay, imagine it spoke, and obey its commands? Thus it is with a Notes-reader who is a social self. Such a fool is unaware of the living essence of Notes, remains stuck in the pit of duality, remains immured of folly and ever believes in normalcy with other heedless and dull normals, themselves the prisoners of the flatfish flyers who ever eat their Energy and keep them dead.
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