This Note is about your ability to be alert to an opportunity for a better destiny that really works and will not be just another disappointing illusion. The important operative factor is in whether or not you have exhausted your tendency to be an illusion for others. As long as you are an inwardly weak and self-deceptive illusion for others, that is the kind of people you will invariably get attracted to for further difficulty and suffering.
This Note is about the Law of Resonance. “Birds of a feather flock together”. Real attracts Real; Unreal attracts Unreal. Honesty attracts honesty; exploitative falseness attracts exploitative falseness. Dedication attracts dedication; laziness attracts laziness; serious depth attracts serious depth; silly superficiality attracts silly superficiality.
Will you truly and deeply allow this Note to point out that for better or worse, you will always attract to you whatever you are currently assuming is beneficial and sensible.
You will attract or be attracted to people or situations that match your actual nature and real motives, not what you merely like to imagine you are or pretend are your motives. How deeply will you face this before you read the next Note? If you want to join someone or something higher, you must be someone higher with something higher to contribute. You can only be lifted up if you are already viable, sane, good-hearted and aware, no new situation can make you viable, sane, good-hearted and aware against your own nature.
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