The best way for you to find out what is really going on here in all these Notes is to stop imagining that you know what you are doing about the miraculous.
It never ceases to amaze me how you try to get into the real meaning of something like this Note.
At the temple of Poseidon in Sounio, Greece , the very ocean is writing Notes. Why do you suppose that happens? Maybe you should go there sometime and see for yourself.
You may eventually try to remember that something like this Note actually suggested that you do not know the real reason why you do not know what to focus on.
It might prove more interesting for a reader like yourself to totally give-up on a Note like this one.
This Note is as empty as your own mind.
This Note is also as empty as your own mind except for one little niggling factor about something slightly meaningful.
O.K. Here is another Big Chance for you to have an important breakthrough about something incredibly important to your fulfillment, pleasure, happiness and personal maneuvers.
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