Year Three

This Note cannot explain itself, but it can happen to your mind in a way that no other note did or could.


It is very difficult for you to pause long enough to understand that this note pointed out quite clearly that you are reading too mechanically.  There is no point or value in rushing from one misunderstanding to the next.  Try at least to understand this note for real before you go on to the next note.


All sorts of would-be spiritual teachers like to advise people to “meditate” or to “go within”.  So, I am asking you to please not “meditate” or “go within” because these are too stupid and mediocre.  Transformation of Your Being will require genuine Kriya Yoga and Self-observation.  These are more thorough and deep approaches.


When silly egomaniacs read this note, they imagine it was about some other readers.


The reason you are not really evolving very well is that you are not fully awake and concerned about it even though you sometimes become emotionally disturbed about it like someone thrashing in their sleep during a nightmare.


You will soon forget this note, so try not to read it too deeply.


This Note Session seems to have ended.









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