One part of the Cosmic Notes Teaching Task is to show the students new cognitive things that they can learn to do for themselves.
A Cosmic Instructor is closer to the real inner awareness of his students than the students themselves. This Note in particular demonstrates this natural fact.
The very way the Cosmic Notes Author goes about doing things is a Cosmic Lesson for anyone who has Inner Cosmic Eyes that can see. Unfortunately, the majority of our readers suffer from Cosmic Blindness. God only knows what they believe they are getting from all this.
A Cosmic Teacher will seem like a fierce hawk to stupid, proud and stubborn would-be Cosmic Students, but like a gentle, nourishing dove to those who really want to learn in all this.
Many Note Sessions might appear otherwise, but the only thing the Cosmic Teacher demands from His pupils is that they actually wake-up to the real meaning of Notes just like this one.
A real student of Notes is deeply grateful when he or she is very heavily informed by any Note that he or she is thinking, talking or acting in a state of cognitive, spiritual and cosmic sleep. Anyone who feels proudly reactive does not belong here.
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