Here it is at last: the latest Here and Now Note Session for all you eager read-the-latest-Notes-to-see-what’s-going-on-with- the-Notes-Author gossipy social readers. And, besides, we know you just can’t help it! So, go ahead and feed your socially excited little mind whatever the poor thing can somehow comprehend in spite of itself. It’s not your fault that you are reading this Note. Don’t be discouraged that you are superficial. Even you can learn to think.
The reason I talk down to My Earthbound readers is because they tend to be as proud and snotty as they are stupid. So please be patient as I perform My Great Function of brilliant, scintillating and impeccable Compassion as a Cosmic Buddha with horns.
If you are Ultraterrestrial or Extraterrestrial, get with the real program here and do not fall into that old laziness that once made you all-too-human! Be a little more helpful. Do your Evolutionary Duty even better.
Why is it that Americans are the most eager to read Notes and the least capable of understanding them? The Notes Author Himself is an American, but even He is mystified by that situation. One thing's for sure: My American Readers cannot possibly explain what’s missing in their intelligence because they are the least capable of admitting to themselves that something is missing there.
This Note would only be confusing for a reader who likes to be confused. Does something in your emotional mind like to be confused about a Note that is too close to the truth of your emotional mind or its proud stupidity? Have you noticed that when it is not proud, it’s discouraged, depressed and self-pitying? Surely there is nothing to be confused about here. Only a ridiculous asshole would suddenly be unclear about what this Note is really about.
I was just mindfucking some of those little wild Roe Deer that eat Reindeer food I put out for them. They are always of two minds about (A) wanting the nourishment and (B) coping with My Horrible Presence. Those deer are like Note Readers who have to deal with the Notes Author and his disgusting ego trips he puts out side-by-side with His amazing Notes.
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