My dear friends who have managed to somehow go through all the Note-Sessions: This Note Here and Now completes your preparation to enter fully into the next imaginary Note.
Try to see what is most new about this Note.
To the veteran Note-reader it is clear that cognitive flexibility is a good thing, though it is obviously isolating in the social field. This Note, though it gives no relief from social isolation, can obviously stimulate a fresh leap into the Here and Now, which, as you must know, is more important than the past or future. Of course, Osho Rajneesh says the “ego” (whatever that is supposed to be as some “awful thing”) actually disappears in the Here and Now. For Me(!) I find it to be more significant that Osho Rajneesh disappears in the Here and Now.
Where are you in this Here and Now?
The Here and Now is Non-duality. Therefore I Am This Here Now.
Remember: Am This Here Now.
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