Year Four
According to the German Twentieth Century Existential Ontologist, Martin Heidegger, “The time of ‘systems’ is over. The time of re-building the essential shaping of beings according to the truth of Be-ing has not yet arrived.” And he also poignantly adds further on: “The question of Be-ing is the question of the truth of Be-ing…the question concerning the truth of Be-ing, of course, pushes it into what is deeply sheltered. For the truth of Be-ing, which as thinking is an inabiding, a knowing awareness of how Be-ing holds sway…And yet: whenever a being is, Be-ing must hold sway. But how does Be-ing hold sway?” So, this Note, which includes these thoughts of Heidegger, is directed into the core of your natural Ontological Incompetence so that you will awaken something more significant for yourself than a mere “interest” in Being and Reality about your existence in apparent Space and Time. Do you want to do this?
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