Year Four
To be invited over and over again to make a fresh beginning in the way you handle your consciousness could easily become boring and rather trite. So maybe the bottom needs to drop out of this Note. Therefore, do not go into the next Note if the bottom remains intact of this Note.
Have you noticed how easy it can be to let yourself remain boring and trite but try to blame the problem on Notes or some teaching? Your state of mind is more your own fault than you usually want to know. So, do you want to know it now? This Note of course will not in any way try to force you to face what you are doing to create your actual state of mind.
Most people would rather try to escape into a particular traditional teaching to avoid the actual truth of how they actually operate their present so-called “conscious existence”. So, before the next Note, why don’t you go ahead and turn on some real conscious existence? Will you at least try?
Try to detect any mechanical routines in what you are doing about Notes lately.
One powerful sign of a mechanical routine is the automatic denial of it as if you are doing something freshly conscious about all this when you are not really doing something freshly conscious about all this. Have you ever begun to notice the extent of this old difficulty of yours?
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