One way or another you have arrived at what you believe is a sensible position toward all this. You have your positions toward all sorts of things so that you can carry out your personal plans and maintain a way of life that makes sense to you. Anything or anyone you encounter that or whom does not make sense to you will be ignored or discarded. Yet your higher learning is going to come from things or situations that do not at this time make sense to you. The next note, for instance, does not have to make sense to you, does not have to fit into what you believe is your best understanding of yourself and your life.
This note is about the kind of telepathy that does not need for people to believe in it and does not care about people who do not believe in it.
Sooner or later you will have to discover that many things the self-styled “spiritual” people think are important, such as “healing” or “counseling” are nothing but useless crap, whereas other things they do not know about, such as learning journeys or kaif can be indispensable for some people if undertaken or absorbed at the right time in the right way. Ridding ourselves of superficial considerations in order to discover real factors of development is far more serious than most readers realize. Try to see why this note was absolutely necessary and indispensable for you.
Are you a real reader of this note or just another emotional idiot or brainy would-be “Great Teacher”?
This note is the end of the Session, not the end of the issues. Will you now shift into a more persistent and real learning space in yourself?
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