This note may become somewhat complex and difficult, so we are going to ask you to be fully alert here and suspend all your previous experiences of Notes. If you read with the accumulated memories of the past, the old pattern in memory acts as a cognitive filter. It becomes a screen that will not allow the new, the unknown, to enter in and cause a new configuration of memory, which could be something like a paradigm shift, which could be the acquisition of an improved and more flexible cognitive filter. To be without a pattern at all for awhile is exploration of the new, the unknown, which is a magical journey. A magical journey in the unknown deconstructs the known, followed by reconstructing it into a more promising configuration. When you have a cyclic process of deconstruction and reconstruction of your knowledge, it is a genuine learning process. The next note will help you develop your learning process.
To truly enter the Unknown and have a magical journey requires greater energy in your body (Kundalini) and mind (Baraka). Yogis and Sufis understand this, but most people (at least on Earth), do not know about this. They prefer to ignore these requirements or else they misinterpret them. So they do not do much real exploring of the Unknown and remain fundamentally stupid. Their physical and mental energy remain low and dull day and night right into old age and death, so they never know real learning or higher development. Make sure you somehow open yourself to at least a little boost of your inner physical and mental energies before you read the next and final note of the Session.
Someone like Znauk the wizard of Yaddith reads this note as a fantastic provocation to undertake a differently ramified extra-galactic time-leap journey for the sake of accessing another spoke on the Wheel of Time.
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