Approach this note very slowly, deeply and carefully because you in particular need a personal breakthrough in your confrontation with Notes. You see, you are just not getting from all this what you most need to get, which is blocking your higher progress. Do you see this? Are you slowing down? Are you listening more deeply within yourself? Are you taking greater care with the real meaning of Notes?
This note is going to go farther into the real meaning of Notes. Would you like to try to do this? If you would, then try to see what is happening to your consciousness and your personal energy right now in your personal situation lately, then go on to the next note.
The actual quality of your consciousness and personal energy in your various encounters, activities and situations is very important for your possible higher development. Try to see how this works before you go into the next note. Even just a brief glimpse of it will do you more good than you know.
Are you prepared now to go beyond your usual explanations of your decisions, reactions, attitudes and moods? If you are, try to see how your usual decisions, reactions, attitudes and moods do not want you going beyond them. Try to see how they block your real progress by keeping you enclosed or busy in normalcy. Even just a glimpse of all that will do you more good than you know.
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