News flash: Cosmic forces are slowly closing
in on the criminally insane Kissinger Bilderberg Neocon Anglo-American
Bush and Blair governments, leaders, backroom manipulators
and abusers of secular power. It is rumored that they
will be captured by the hundreds and tried in The Intergalactic
Criminal Governments Court. They will not be able to
ignorantly laugh this off for much longer.
In other news, the
Intergalactic Commission of Social-Psychology for Earth Studies
has found that the American people comprise the most self-deluded
social collective on the planet Earth. Because of this,
it has also been concluded that they are increasingly doing
the greatest harm to Earth humanity and Earth environments.
Total destruction of America by Cosmic Forces is being
seriously considered.
Now, back to Notes.
This note will be kept simple
so that your mind can have a chance to be less convoluted.
This note is about
how you can learn throughout the day to stop deceiving yourself
about so many different things. This will also improve
your intelligence as you increasingly register how stupid you
actually are.
This note is about your lack of
a correct plan for your self-improvement, you foolish asshole.
This note is about
your continuing actual unwillingness to accept new and better
ways of doing things. Try reading and applying
Edward de Bono books.
You will be pleasantly surprised.
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