You could easily fall into the obvious trap of wanting to believe there is nothing significantly new in this Note. Are you in some hurry or something? One who has been through a lot of Notes can sometimes miss something important because of habitual glancing and judging.
Slow down and do some absolutely real entering into this new Note. It’s for you.
There really is something awesome on its way to the humanity of Earth very soon that could easily change everything. Can you intuitively resonate with it for a few moments before you read the next Note?
This Note, Here and Now is hardly more than your own mind, but there is something slightly objective to be found here perhaps. Take a better look if you have it in you to do such looking.
This Note is connecting with the Witches House in Northern Mexico, and in particular with the peculiar objects of Don Elias in that strange room where the Caretaker stays. Can you cope with this connection? Or are you just suddenly greedy to gain some occult power? Or, yet again, are you apathetic about occult power because of your dull normalcy? Whatever your personal case may be in all that, it is undoubtedly rather trivial and meaningless. We better just go quickly on to the next Note so that you do not attract some entity you can’t handle. You need not fall victim to one of Kenneth Grant’s “tangential tantrums” where occult monsters from Beyond disappear people.
This Note is about pseudo-Sufis who imagine they are very wise and beyond all this. Of course, you believe you do not need any Sufi Abilities. Too bad you try to cut down on the scope of all this.
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