You are not having a misunderstanding of this Note. All that has happened is that it was written for some other readers who continue to have a huge misunderstanding. Of course, you, like most others, all-too-often think that it is not you but others who suffer from some spiritual fault or mental ailment and that you are free of it and have a loftier status. In its milder form, you will honestly concede that you suffer a little from the fault or ailment, but that it is mostly others who have it in a far worse manner. So, in so far as you feel a sense of pride and superiority in being a rare being who understands this Note, you do not after all understand it.
For a Notes-reader with psychic intelligence, a single Note can be enough to awaken Superconsciousness, but for a proud idiot who feels personally important, a thousand Notes are not enough.
A consciousness large enough to benefit from Notes cannot be narrowed and contained on a superficial Web-forum or in any other social organization.
A reader who has been all over the mountain of Notes has not necessarily entered and worked the hidden goldmine within it.
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