The purpose of reading Notes is to lose various delusions about the actual state of your consciousness. You can therefore use this Note to disillusion yourself a little more about the actual state of your consciousness. Are you waking up a little more about yourself in all this?
This Note is about some of the activities or pastimes in your life that you call “meaningful”. Are they? Really? The more you question the things you call “meaningful”, the more you will discover something far more meaningful in the Unfamiliar, the Unknown.
Ponder the inspiring fact that both Notes and Life can be seen with a totally fresh viewpoint again and again.
This Note is here, if you will allow it, to give you more energy for exploring both Notes and new, magical actions of Higher Life. Your inner urge for all this will grow if you feed it. Can you afford to let it die?
This Note points out that you have a perfect right to choose and follow a developmental way of life that really works to bring you into a vaster realm of genuine wonders beyond the dull and boring stupidity of everyday sensate humanity and their bad habits. Even a small right choice in all this has greater power than you have thought so far. You really should experiment with new kinds of behaviour and activity. Surprise yourself and become a more magical individual.
This Note points out that even the feeling of sex, the taste of food, the smell of air outdoors and the feeling of the earth beneath your feet can all become radically different and more alive at any time if you have that intent awake for real.
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