This Note proclaims that Voidness is the true path of Notes. To see Voidness everywhere is the Fullness, the Perfection, of The Author and The True Reader. All others are scum on the surface of the worlds of neurotic limitation.
This Note is more than a Note, for it evokes the shadow of sleep like a mist in the Void of the Unknown casting off images which are known as Its Dream of Magic. If a reader-of-Notes has wealth or pleasure on waking in the body, he or she does not necessarily have wealth or pleasure in short-term dreaming nor long-term death.
The manifestation of Personal Power on a particular plane depends on the quality of awareness of the meaning of Notes on that plane. The fusion of planes is the essence of this Note and all Notes, which is the impossible Bliss-of-Awareness-of-Being ever in the process of Real Becoming.
This Note is Becoming of the Awareness of Being under the excitation of Notes, for there is the Being of eternal harmony existent between Notes and all cosmic Authors. There is Nothing for the True Reader without the essence of Notes. Outside of Notes awakening nothing exists nor does not exist. Nothing but Voidness alone is all Notes can know, for the nondual Selfhood of the True Reader is the knowing of existence and non-existence. Through Notes, Reality strives to know Itself beyond the false, confused reader. The speculation of such readers about origins, creation, Godlike Power and similar human hopes and fantasies cannot really concern Notes, for such human speculation ever is without Reality. The empty but active esoteric human brain is not of Notes and fails to develop. Since the brain as nothing cannot be real or magical, Notes are made finite and infinitely small by the false, confused reader, so extremely small as to approach the inexistent.
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