Many Notes Authors have arisen and will ever again arise within the Boundless Universes of Time and Space. Such Note Authors have been, presently are and ever will be misunderstood by infinite numbers of ignorant men and women on endless planets, not merely on the fleeting and wretched Earth. They do not teach through Notes to be copied and imitated, but to release originary perception within the awakening of True Readers.
The Self of no Other am I, but I can and sometimes do empathize as needed. I can and sometimes do enter the mind of a reader of this Note. If you feel it happening, it may very well be a cause for rejoicing in the alerting of your potential.
Those whose form disintegrates in their insane pursuit of Magical Power for their social and false self are proof of only someone else's Magical Power and not their own. Even Notes are a danger to fools.
Let not fragmentary interpretation of this Note or that Note obsess you. Penetrate ever deeper without distracted rushing that you may glimpse the Real Jewel of Notes and not come back to your old superficiality and stupidity.
This Note applies to genuine waking states on any plane of existence. Any realm of ignorant self-in-delusion tends to remain in confused upheaval, indiscriminate amidst the excrement of socially ambitious personality. Such entities cling to the fantasies of this or that traditional or esoteric system. All pseudo-spiritual madness is rooted in being impressed by a man or woman of partial or undivine Magical Power disguised as Divine Power. Such madness is the death of the true potential in any man or woman.
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