Those who lack the insights that can be found in Notes (and other sources) have something like a thick fog obscuring the view of any fulfilling and developmental cosmic situation they could potentially locate and go to.
When you do not want to face an unpleasant truth about yourself that keeps coming out in Notes, the right move is to go ahead and face it anyway.
You are being nice to who you really are when you look fully into Notes. In fact, you can be a little more aware of who you really are right here in this Note if you are willing.
What you need to do for yourself the most in this Note can be done easily once you see what your real need is here.
Any Note that helps you see that you need not fear anyone or anything, is a true and beautiful message for your living free Spirit.
Whether high and spiritual or low and crude, the level of your mind determines not only the quality of your understanding of Notes, but the nature of your inner experiences and outer events.
Any Note can be seen in higher ways than the average reader takes it. Try to see how this most applies to you.
Any Note that forces you to look at life fearlessly from a higher level is your friend, the Notes Author, finally reaching you where it counts.
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