If you want to discover the God in your own self, give up the idea that you are an important judge of who can or cannot be God and say so. This Note, for instance, was written by God. It is the God Within Who can recognize God.
This Note is a gateway to the infinite abyss of Real Matter, if you want to get into some real fucking now and then. But most people try to content themselves with their silly play fucking that leads to their inevitable death. The short-lived Modern People of Earth are glaring examples of such stupidity. They use terms like “heavy sex” without really doing the real thing. They are meaningless fools.
If you can't go down, you can't go up. If you can't go up, you can't go down. Now, you go ponder all this and learn to handle Divine Cosmic Facts of Real Life. Do not remain the frightened dumb asshole you have been so far.
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