To ask you, if you are an Earthbound human being and not a Space traveling Extraterrestrial Individual, “Where are you in the Universe and what does it really mean for you?” would be an obviously meaningless question for the most part. In fact, for financial and political reasons, most travel on the Earth is restricted even for people who are supposedly “free”. On Earth, most so-called “free thinking” is neither “free” nor real, original “thinking”. Such a term as “free thinking” is a self-deceptive farce or pretence of social gossipers in Web-forums who are not yet real and conscious individuals, but mediocre nasty cynics or hopeful emotionals, all of whom copy one another in a variety of functions. Did you know, for instance, that Extraterrestrial Scientists could easily create a replicant robot that would think, speak and behave the way you do, including the way you are reading this Note?
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