It is extremely recommended that you read and think about this Note with a little more concentration than you normally apply so that your higher awareness can more accurately witness your mental condition of “concentrating on a Note”. Please be more clear about it before you go on and give your usual treatment to the next Note so that it doesn’t become a fucking cognitive nightmare. Thank you! “And, hey, do something about those curtains!” Flash!
What the hell? You gotta be fuckin’ kidding! Jesus Horatio Fuckin’ Christ! Come on! This Note cannot handle what you’re trying to put on it! Please just stop and leave this Website. You should not look ahead to future Sessions like this, Asshole! It can’t help you. Leave all this to Veteran Readers, to those who know how.
This Note invites any Cognitive Sociologist to read through all Notes to this point and see if they can learn real Cognitive Sociology as opposed to the phony drivel they proudly spit in each others faces. We always welcome genuinely cosmic objective examination as compared to the retarded rubbish of Earthbound pseudo-intellectuals. “And, hey, do something about those curtains.” Flash!
This Last Note of this Session is a fabulous riddle:
What makes a female Giant Squid more dangerous and fascinating than a male Giant Squid?
Answer Below
She can’t help it.
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