Why are you here reading this note? Why, in fact, are you ever anywhere you happen to be at the
time? One of the best ways to “save face”, manipulate
others, or just remain fixed in your usual trip (even if it
is harming yourself or others), is to keep your goals, objectives
and purposes vague for both yourself and your explanations
to others. The more vague you are about what you are trying
to achieve, the more you believe you are not accountable for
what you do if things go wrong. So, before you go on to the next note,
ask yourself for real what your actual purpose is in getting
into this psychologically challenging situation we call notes.
How real are you going to be about
this? Are you here to learn or is
this just more of your superficial drifting and idle curiosity
which you call “Serious Search”?
Do you know why you are having so much inner confusion about
your purposes in life? It is because you live too much in your
surface personality. Your surface personality tries to guide
you through life by employing your anxiously clever brain.
Are you willing to learn to listen to the Spirit
of Truth and Guidance in a deeper, more real
place in yourself? If you are not religious, then think of
it as the call of existential conscience. Will you take a step
in this deeper direction before you go on to the next note?
The Spanish poet, Juan Ramon Jimenez, once wrote,
happens? Or has
and are we standing
in the new life?”
Ask yourself what your own truth is about this issue of what
is happening to you right now before you read the next note.
We wish to encourage your sincere struggling toward a greater
truth within yourself through your efforts to learn from attending note
sessions, but we can see that you are an earthbound
person who cannot comprehend the Galactic extraterrestrial
view as a genuine psychic breakthrough. Now, before you hurry
off to the next note, try to really
feel the presence of highly intelligent extraterrestrial people
who also sometimes read these notes to
see what can be done for themselves if not for people of the
dull and insane humanity of Earth.
This note has to inform you of
the simple fact that you would get more out of your interaction
with us if you would stop trying to make us conform to your
rules of possible encounter, which includes your plans for
how it is supposed to go in regard to some requirement of yours. If you would explore your possible contact with us more open-endedly
you might stand more chance to progress all this farther. As
things are going, we are beginning to feel a little weary of
what you try to impose on us by your projections, expectations
and peculiar efforts. If, after hearing these criticisms, you
still believe you should try to connect more directly and personally
with us, then you will have to work out what the real protocols
are for such a thing to happen. This will require an intuitive
attunement, sense of direction and right energy of initiative.
We will not make it cheap, easy or convenient for you (or others)
in your present state of mind.
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