You act toward your possible higher connections on this planet according to the way you actually see them, which is why you should utilize Notes to help you awaken genuine inner perception. Desperate emotional immaturity or intellectual anger will only find involvements that compound your spiritual problems. You are not alive in a human body to blindly “belong” somewhere on the one hand or to “correct” spiritual teachers who do not match your theories or expectations on the other hand.
There is an open door to what you most deeply and rightly want right here before you through Notes. Can you let go of your superficial emotional problems or your angry brain judgments?
Notes cannot be truly understood by anyone who always wants to talk a lot about themselves. “Spiritual” egomania is not about the Spirit, it is about the ego.
One way to know you may be suffering from spiritually obstructive vanity and conceit is if you are witty and argumentative toward Notes when deep inside you feel shaky, confused and unreal.
Another way to know you may be suffering from spiritually obstructive vanity and conceit is that you use your book knowledge to interpret Notes rather than exercising genuine intuition.
Higher listening can come through Notes by letting them show you your present incapacity for listening, which is a needed blow against your secret stupid conceit and your absurd confidence in your self-serving brain judgments.
Will you let Notes show you that you are unwilling to hear any spiritual truth that threatens your vanity of your social position that you keep reinforcing?
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