If you are here because you are looking ahead to see where things are going to lately in Notes, it is O.K. this time. Sometimes one or another of our Note Readers has a real need to look ahead even if they feel like a guilty asshole when they do it! In fact, it is possible that some Note Reader is an asshole who is guilty of not looking ahead! So, try to grasp these issues for once and for all Note Sessions.
How and when you got here for this Note does not matter much. What really matters is the true nature of you, the Note Reader. What, indeed, is a Note Reader as a being in the totality of all Being? Perhaps you are assuming too much about being a “Note Reader”. Can you question such “being”? Are you absolutely certain you are a Note Reader? What might make such an identity doubtful for yourself? Do you understand what is really at stake for you in all this?
Do you truly believe that you are a subjective body reading and thinking about this apparently objective Note? Is such a belief an objective reality or merely a subjective habit projected onto your body and this Note?
How many Notes like the last Note does it take to wake you up to the full truth of Self ? Do you know that the vast majority of human beings never doubt their ignorant, superficial assumptions about Subject + Body + Objects? Existential Dilemmas are treated as if they are “nothing but boring Philosophy”. Why do you suppose that is?
This Note is now presented to you through your bodily eyes (or ears) whereupon it is already apparently entering your brain for information processing side by side with whatever else is concerning you in your cognitive background. Does this hidden split in your attention concern you? Do you see it happening?
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