Power Lessons
Power Lesson One


According To Nagual Juan Matus:

“Power rests on the kind of knowledge that one holds.  What is the sense of knowing things that are useless?  They will not prepare us for our unavoidable encounter with the unknown.”


The Lesson:

The day Carlos Castaneda died, Power left me a sign: a dead falcon on the branch of an old tree in the backyard of my house in Scotland.  In the book, Journey to Ixtlan, Juan Matus had pointed out an event in the early life of Carlos Castaneda where he, Castaneda, had once hunted falcons.  A special white falcon became the symbol of the inevitable death of Carlos Castaneda.  Death, the ultimate stalker of each and every human being, is thus the “unavoidable encounter with the unknown.”


When we die, we cannot take our spiritual and occult library with us.  At that time, all that will matter from the books and articles we have read will be what we truly understood, put into practice and experienced for ourselves, whether it is Nagual Shamanism, Siddhayoga of India and Tibet, Taoist Immortalization, Zen Enlightenment or the Sufi Way.  The list of useful occult and spiritual books and articles is long and life is short.


If you are going to learn to navigate in the Unknown and live through it to flourish in a viable life of Power, there are important things you must learn, do and experience directly for yourself beyond all your social considerings and efforts about all this.  Since Death is stalking you, what to read, how to read and what to do and realize about it all becomes urgently crucial and not just a minor hobby area of a modern horny, busy and hopeful person who spends too much time daydreaming or socializing on the Web.  Even significant books can waste your life if you aren’t doing the right things about what you hope you understand.