Power Lessons
Power Lesson Fifteen


According to Nagual Juan Matus:

“For a Nagual Warrior, the Spirit is an abstract only because he knows it without words or even thoughts. It’s an abstract because he can’t conceive what the Spirit is.  Yet, without the slightest chance or desire to understand it, a Nagual Warrior handles the Spirit.  He recognizes it, beckons it, entices it, becomes familiar with it, and expresses it with his acts.”


The Lesson:

Cessation of your internal dialogue, which includes the concerns and considerings of your self-reflective normalcy, will open up the world of Silent Knowledge.  The awesome feeling of Spirit is there, which you cannot possibly explain or justify to the dull normals in your life no matter how much you might care for them.  But none of this means that Silent Knowledge will make you cold, uncaring, unkind or cruel, but you will also lose useless pity, and especially self-pity centered in self-importance of your Social Self.