Power Lessons
Power Lesson Fourteen


According to Nagual Juan Matus:

“The Spirit manifests itself to a Nagual Warrior at every turn.  However, this is not the entire truth.  The entire truth is that the Spirit reveals itself to everyone with the same intensity and consistency, but only Nagual Warriors are consistently attuned to such revelations.”


The Lesson:

The Spirit, which is the Guiding Spirit of Intent, sometimes gestures or gives indications to your Spirit Self (Nagual) to help you outmaneuver the sluggish and complacent nature of your everyday personal ego, your Social Self (Tonal).


Most people, however, imagine (if they are occult-minded) that various things are “manifestations of the Spirit” in order to feed and nourish the feelings of self-importance of their deluded Social Self (Tonal), which is frustrated to have reinforcing “miracles” in its life.  So it will perceive “miracles” where there are none and fail to acknowledge them when they are real indications of the Spirit.