Power Lessons
Power Lesson Seventeen


According to Nagual Juan Matus:

“Nagual Warriors have no ulterior motive for their acts, which have nothing to do with personal gain.  The average man acts only if there is the chance for profit.  Nagual Warriors act not for profit, but for the Spirit.”


The Lesson:

One of the reasons volunteers or self-selected “students” cannot learn from a Nagual “teacher” (or a Medieval Buddhist Siddha, for that matter) is that whatever the Nagual does toward the so-called “student” will be treated as something not done for the Spirit, but as something done for personal gain of the Nagual.  This issue has plagued the Path of higher human development for ages.  But in our time here in the Western countries where would-be “students” decide someone is their “Teacher” but have not themselves been pointed-out to the Nagual by the Spirit, even if the Nagual (or Siddha) tries to teach the would-be “student”, things are bound to go wrong.  As J. Krishnamurti once put it: “The teacher destroys the students and the students destroy the teacher.”  Mutual exploitation on any level is not a developmental situation.


All this tells us why the Vajrayana Siddhas have frequently throughout history acted out on their potential students with what is called “Crazy Wisdom” or inexplicable behavior of an off-putting nature.  It is of course easy enough to understand “Crazy Wisdomtheoretically, but in a directly personal situation, it is virtually impossible for the self-important would-be student to accept and work with such behavior when it is directed at him.  Hence, the more enlightened and developed the Teacher, the more reluctant he will be to even try to take on “students” or “disciples”.


So, what is the real solution to this problem?  Prepare yourself to be able to learn from a Nagual or Siddha so that the Spirit will point you out to him.  Then he will not have to avoid you or to get rid of you if he stupidly tried to teach you until you inevitably demonstrated that you are unteachable.


Being a Real Student in the realm of the Spirit is infinitely more important than recognizing a genuine Nagual or Siddha Guru.  This is because the self-important Social Self will congratulate itself for any recognition his own Spirit Self might manage to get through to him.  Whatever your weak but real Spirit Self might come up with in you will never lead to anything for as long as your dominant loyalty is to your everyday Social Self, which itself will seek Power for all the wrong reasons and remain unteachable for all the wrong reasons.


What is most amazing about all this is the number of seekers who think they understand all this but will sooner or later prove their mediocrity inevitably in some situation.