Power Lessons
Power Lesson Nineteen


According to Nagual Juan Matus:

“Nagual Shamanism is a journey of return.  A Nagual warrior returns victorious to the Spirit, having descended into Hell.  And from Hell he brings trophies.  Understanding is one of his trophies.”


The Lesson:

The “Hell” being referred to there is not the same as “Hell after death”.  It is the Hell of common human normalcy, of society and the way the political and business leaders organize human life to be debilitating and harmful to all.  It is also the Hell of everyday neurotic superficiality of Flyer-eaten people who live out their lives without higher energy or higher awareness.  There is no real magic in people’s lives, or, even worse, they sometimes pretend or imagine there is real magic in their lives.  All this superficial worldly activity, idle chatter or spiritual pretence is Hell.  So, until you wake up to the Hell that society and neurotic, stupid normalcy actually are, you will not seek Freedom of the Spirit.  Instead you will imagine that someone has to convince you that there is such a thing and that you should seek it.


Hell is not just an unpleasant, boring, debilitating job or poverty and deprivation or someone in your life you keep having to fight with.  Hell is a life without true health and spiritual development; Hell is a life without Power and Freedom; Hell is a life without Bliss and Immortality.  Hell is to grow old and die as a prisoner of bad habits without ever seeing the real dimensions of Consciousness and Energy.