Power Lessons
Power Lesson

  According to Nagual Juan Matus:
“For the rational man to hold steadfastly to his self-image ensures his abysmal ignorance.  He ignores the fact that Nagual Shamanism is not incantations and hocus-pocus, but the freedom to perceive not only the world taken for granted, but everything else that is humanly possible to accomplish.  He trembles at the possibility of Freedom.  And Freedom is at his fingertips.”

The Lesson:
Let’s face it:  You do not come to learn about Power here out of a deep urge toward genuine Perceptual Freedom.  You want to add Power to your normalcy, your self-image, but you are actually afraid of Perceptual Freedom, of what it might do to your stupid little world of petty affairs and arrangements.  So you are in a huge contradiction between the pathetic limitations of your everyday self and your Real Esoteric possibilities.  You thus feel greatly attracted to certain unusual things reported about the world of Nagual Shamans but repulsed by the requirements to be a viable participant on a genuine path of Nagual Shamanism.  Hence you never really hear the principles of all this that you most need to hear.  Hence you remain a useless and weak member of contemporary unmagical and unfree normalcy and spiritual bondage.  Your connecting link with Intent remains unusable, inoperative.  You remain self-defensively self-enclosed in your heedless dullness and superficial routines.

Do you imagine that you are giving real attention to what all this is about?

Do you think Carlos Castaneda and his stupid Cult really matter?  Do you think his old companions or followers who knew him really matter?

What really matters in all this is something that will not be named here.  If you cannot know it in the place of Silent Knowledge, you just aren’t going to know it and will just go on deceiving yourself until you are dead, a dead normal.