Power Lessons
Power Lesson

  According to Nagual Juan Matus:
“One of the most dramatic things about the human condition is the macabre connection between stupidity and self-reflection.  It is stupidity that forces the average man to discard anything that does not conform with his self-reflective expectations.  For example, as average men, we are blind to the most crucial piece of knowledge available to a human being: the existence of the Assemblage Point and the fact that it can move.”

The Lesson:
The huge majority of those who come here to hear about Personal Power through Shamanism do not really seriously want to know about moving the Assemblage Point or Voidwalking, as it were, which is a deliberate excursion into the Energetic Unknown, which excursion is a Shamanic Virtual Death of their stupid self-reflection of anti-magical normalcy.  Hence they do not want to be initiated into genuine Nagual Shamanism.  They remain stupid socializing normals whose self-reflection makes them believe they can add Personal Power on to their horribly stuck Assemblage Point.  Their whole center-of-gravity in all this remains their self-important social self of titillated social excitement about who and where they can find the “miraculous”, the “unusual” and somehow witness these so they can brag that they did such self-important witnessing.  In short, they want to somehow “prove” that they are socially significant in occult matters.  They develop all these concerns and considerings on their fixated Assemblage Point that (A) cannot move (B) does not actually know that it can and must learn to move.

A real feeling for all this is like hearing a very special Call in one’s being that is wholly different than the usual social concerns and considerings about all this.  It is therefore extraordinarily urgent to hear the genuine Silent Call of the Spirit that truly ushers you into the Shamanistic world.  The answering of that Silent Call is the first movement of the Assemblage Point, which brings Silent Knowledge of a whole new set of Spirit Concerns and Considerings that are utterly, refreshingly and liberationally beyond the tired old social concerns and considerings of the self-enclosed pseudo-occult Normal.

It is invariably the imprisoning self-reflection that deafens one to the Call of the Spirit in order to answer the social promptings that one hopes will increase occult self-importance of the normalcy.  The material brain of course will use its occult books and conclusions to reinforce this heedless anti-Shamanic nonsense that is ever fleeing from the real Energetic Unknown out in the open somewhere away from the haunts of normal people.