Power Lessons
Power Lesson Nine


According to Nagual Juan Matus:

“My teacher, the Nagual Julian, tricked me.  He tricked me with my sensuality and greed.  He promised to get me all the beautiful women who surrounded him, and he promised to cover me with gold.  He promised me a fortune, and I fell for it.  All the shamans of my lineage had been tricked that way since time immemorial.  The shamans of my lineage are not teachers or gurus.  They don’t give a fig about teaching their knowledge.  They want heirs to their knowledge, not people vaguely interested in their knowledge for intellectual reasons.

“There are no volunteers on the warriors’ path.  A man has to be forced into the warriors’ path against his will.  Volunteers are not welcome in the sorcerer’s world, because they already have purposes of their own, which makes it hard for them to relinquish their individuality.  If the sorcerer’s world demands ideas and actions contrary to the volunteers’ purpose, the volunteers simply refuse to change.”


The Lesson:

Truly developed Sufi Masters have also always made the distinction between Should-be students and Would-be students.


Carlos Castaneda failed as a Nagual because he did not become the New Nagual of the Nagual Lineage that came down through Nagual Juan Matus.  Instead, he started a cult of volunteers, Tensegrity and the Cleargreen people.  The Nagual Lineage died with the formation of that cult of volunteers.


There are lots of Would-be students or volunteers trying to learn the Way of Power from Would-be teachers, Would-be “Naguals”.


Rajneesh, himself a Would-be Guru of thousands of Would-be students did himself have some insight into his ridiculous situation when he pointed out that there is a difference between Masters-and-Disciples and Teachers-and-Students that slightly reflects the distinction of Naguals-and-Apprentices and Occult Teachers-and-Volunteers.


In the World of Power, there actually is a way to get connected to a Siddha Guru, a genuine Nagual, and undergo true higher development, but it is indeed an exception to the rule.  Power (Shakti) must lead the seeker to the Right Being of Power, Who has no cult following and turns away the vast majority of those who apply to be students.  A chosen few will be severely tested in a variety of ways.  The Right Being of Power will also behave in a way that turns off most volunteers who will be led to believe that the Being of Power is an impotent pretender or someone of immoral or bad character.  This frees His space so he can focus on just a handful at most who are capable of real energetic self-changes and Yoga, as it were.


There are false masters because there are so many false disciples, volunteers, creating a social market of self-selected choosers who can “find the Real Thing” and “choose it” (exploit it for things like comfortable ideological belonging or feeling empowered even if they are not).


Not just anyone can “decide” to be “Led by Power” to the “Right Being of Power”.  In most cases, self-deception and imagination will rule what is going to be happening about Making Higher Contact.  Most seekers settle for stupid crap like “going to see Mother Meera”, which keeps them emotionally inspired, but their Kundalini Shakti flat, low and useless.  They imagine “miracles” where there are none and continue to cultivate everything that is wrong with them as if they are in Divine Hands.  In a way, they are in Divine Hands that keep them preoccupied in a way that rightly leads nowhere, whether it is Mother Meera or Merilyn Tunneshende or some vain and pompous Cleargreen leader.


Whatever the case, whoever needs convincing is not yet on a Path of Power.  Even when “convinced” there will still be doubts and arguments toward even a Right Being of Power, which means one is failing the test, not “exposing a false master”.


Remember: wherever you are asking “is it real?”, you are not capable of knowing what is real or unreal; and whenever you are asking, “could I trust and fully commit myself?”, you are not capable of trust or commitment.